Options 101 Course

In the Market Place - Traded Options

Understanding Option Symbols

Option Symbols

Here’s a quick review on options symbols. Each option has its own ticker symbol, which contains information pertaining to the stock, the expiration, whether the option is a call or a put, and the strike price. Take this option symbol from Apple Inc:


The constituent parts of the symbol are as follows:

Stock Expiration year Expiration month Expiration day Call/put Strike price
AAPL 16 01 15 C 00130000
Apple Inc 2016 January 15th Call 130

So the option is an Apple Inc. January 2016 call that expires on the third Friday - the 15th - of January. The equivalent put option would be identical, except the “C” would be replaced by a “P” as shown in the following:


This is much easier than the previous method where strikes and expirations were identified by letters.

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