Options 101 Course

Introduction to Options

The Right, not the Obligation

Buying gives you the Right

  • Buying an option (call or put) conveys the right, not the obligation to buy (call) or sell (put) an underlying instrument (eg a share).
  • When you buy an option you are NOT obligated to buy or sell the underlying instrument - you simply have the right to do so at the fixed (exercise or strike) price.
  • Your risk, when you buy an option, is simply the price you paid for it.

Selling (naked) imposes the obligation

  • Selling an option (call or put) obliges you to buy (put) from or deliver (call) to the option buyer.
  • Selling options naked (ie when you have not bought a position in the underlying instrument or an option to hedge against it) will give you an unlimited risk profile.
  • Combined with the fact that you are obliged to do something, this is generally not a preferable position to put yourself in.

Now let's consider the words "to buy or sell an asset":

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