Options 101 Course

The Greeks Part I

Delta Trading

TRADE (US stock options) DELTA (+ or -) COMMENT
Buy 1 share +1 Buying a share has a delta of +1
Sell 1 share -1 selling a share has a delta of -1
Buy ATM call +50 Why +50?  Because 1 stock option contract represents 100 shares.  So 100 * 0.5 = +50
Buy Call + A long call always has a positive delta
Sell ATM call -50 Why -50?  Because 1 stock option contract represents 100 shares.  So 100 * -0.5 = -50
Sell Call - A short call always has a negative delta
Buy ATM put -50 Why -50?  Because 1 stock option contract represents 100 shares.  So 100 * -0.5 = -50
Sell ATM put +50 Why +50?  Because 1 stock option contract represents 100 shares.  So 100 * 0.5 = +50
Buy Put - A long put always has a negative delta
Sell Put + A short put always has a positive delta
ATM Straddle 0 The long call delta and long put delta effectively cancel each other out
ATM Strangle 0 The long call delta and long put delta effectively cancel each other out
Bull spreads + With a bull call spread, the long call has a higher delta than the short call.  With a bull put spread, the short put has a higher negative delta than the long put, but remember that because you're selling it, 2 minuses make a plus.
Bear spreads - With a bear call spread, the short call has a higher delta than the long call, but the delta is negative because you're selling it.  With a bear put spread, the long put has a higher negative delta than the short put.

Example: (bull call spread)

XYZ = $100.00

Buy 10 Jan 100c Delta = +500
Sell 10 Jan 105c Delta = -470 (say)
Hedge Ratio = +30

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